

Leapton Solar

Leapton Energy has been around since 2012. They don’t just focus on R&D and sales of solar power systems, modules, and screws in Japan but also the development, management, and maintenance of solar power stations worldwide.

Jinko Solar

JinkoSolar is a global leader in the solar industry. They distribute their products worldwide and sell their solutions for utilities as well as commercial customers of varying types such as residential homes.

Canadian Solar

Sizes : 275 – 330 watts

Canadian Solar is one of the three biggest solar companies in the world by revenue. We employ over 12,000 people and operate on 6 continents. We’re committed to improving the lives of all those who interact with our brand in the communities we operate in.

Risen Energy

Sizes : 275 – 315 watts

Risen Energy is a global solar technology company founded in 1986. We make solar PV panels for the retail market, and we supply, fund, construct and operate commercial and utility-scale solar projects.

Longi Solar

Sizes : 275 – 340 watts

LONGi Solar is a world leading manufacturer of high-efficiency mono-crystalline solar cells and modules. LONGi Solar has been focusing on MONO for 18 years and is the largest supplier of mono-crystalline silicon wafers in the world, with total assets above $5.23 billion (2017). It also plans to have 45 GW of monocrystalline wafer production capacity by the year 2020.


Sizes : Upto 330

Hanwha Q CELLS is a manufacturer of photovoltaic cells. The company is headquartered in Thalheim, Germany. The company was established in 1999 as Q-Cells AG. Since 2012 it is a part of the Hanwha Group. Q.ANTUM combines the best features of all known cell technologies to achieve high performance levels at low cost of electricity (LCOE). This advanced technology ensures Q CELLS solar modules achieve maximum luminous efficiency under real, day to day conditions, even under cloudy skies.